
Are you visiting the area and looking for a worship service to attend? Have you recently moved to the area and are looking for a new church family? We’d love to welcome you into ours!

What is our congregation like?

We are a warm, open hearted, family oriented congregation that values bible study, prayer, fellowship, outreach, and the connections made across multiple generations. We feel called to an active commitment to our local community, to our church conference, and to our global church family. We always welcome new faces and enjoy making new friends.

What can I expect during the worship service?

Our services feature music, prayer, and preaching. There will be brief times throughout the service to greet each other, share joys and concerns, and pray for those in need within our congregation, our community, and our wider world. Following the Children’s Sermon, children in pre-school through second grade have the option of attending Children’s Worship in the social hall. There are also opportunities for fellowship both before and after the service, including a brief time for coffee and catching up in the social hall after worship.

What should I wear?

You should wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Is there a staffed nursery available?

While there is a nursery located in the basement of the church, it is not staffed. Families are welcome to use the nursery’s amenities, which include a rocking chair, crib, changing station in a bright room.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat about Sunday School?

Here at St. John’s we call our Christian Education program ‘Christian Connection.’  There is a discussion based class for adults. During the summer months Christian Connection takes a hiatus. The pastor leads confirmation classes that prepare young people to be active members of our church family by teaching them about becoming a disciple of Christ through learning about the theology of the bible, the unique history of our denomination, and the life of our own congregation.