photo credit: Ms. Morgan Hevel
The Sunday worship service begins at 11 AM in the sanctuary.
Our traditional service features prayer, music and preaching in an informal, family oriented atmosphere. There are brief times throughout the service to greet each other, celebrate joys and concerns of the church family, and pray for those in need within our congregation and both our local and global communities. Time before and after the service offers opportunities for fellowship, including time for coffee and punch, and catching up in the social hall following the service.
Here at St. John’s we offer an Order of Healing service annually as well as Lenten services yearly and a Christmas Eve service. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month.
Senior Choir
Director: Mrs. Dena Eberhart
The choir sings the choral introit and choral benediction at the beginning and end of each service. The choir also sings an anthem two Sundays a month. Other Sundays feature special music usually performed by one of these groups within St. John’s: Women’s Chorus, Men’s Chorus, the quartet, and Hand Bell Choir. Throughout the year we are also blessed with special music performed by soloists and duos from St. John’s.
Organist: Mrs. Beth Ann Griffiths
Hand Bell Choir Director: Mrs. Julie Ditzler